Monday, 22 October 2012

Embroidery on Paper.

Just a quick little post today- over the summer I was invited to join my boy and his family on a trip to London- we had such a great time, and crammed a stupid amount of stuff into two short days (if you ever get the chance to see the woman in black in the theater, take it! Such a fun night!). Anyways, long story short, I wanted to make them a card to say thank you for letting me join them.

Lately I have been so inspired by Meredith's adventures in paper embroidery and thought this would be the perfect opportunity to give it a go myself. I wanted the card to represent our trip, so I drew a (stylized, and probably geographically inaccurate) view of the London skyline, over which I wrote 'thanks'.

I got a bit big for my boots and attempted to embroider a heart at the bottom of the exclamation point, which inevitably failed. horribly. So I did what any crafter does best, and improvised- I just cut the heart out instead, and I think it looks alright.. 

This actually took aages!! I thought it would be a super fast craft, but by the time i'd poked all the holes (this is pretty necessary if you don't wanna tear your card) and then completed the stitching (which took longer than it should have, because I kept getting my threads all tangled) I suddenly realized it was one in the morning! Ah well. It was really therapeutic  and I'm so pleased with the end result! I think it looks so cool! (and the family loved it, which is good!)

Much Love, 

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