Monday, 7 January 2013

I Heart Snail Mail

I love getting post, and I love sending post, there's something so special about making cards for the people you love, taking the time to create something specially for them. It makes me so sad to think that the art of letter writing is dying.

I made this for a friend a while back, and I wanted to share it with you all then, but I didn't wanna ruin the surprise before it got to her. and then I forgot about it for ages. luckily I stumbled across it earlier when I was looking for something else (isn't that always the way), so here it is:

I think I might make a regular feature of my cards, I love making them, and I'd love it if they'd inspire you to send letters to your loved ones too. :)

Much Love, 


  1. I love snail mail, too!! I'm waiting for Valentine's Day to come so I can send out all my handmade cards to friends. Yours is beautiful!

  2. Oh I love getting mail too! Though it's pretty rare! I just found your cute blog! I'm a new follower. Hope you'll stop by sometime!

