Sunday, 23 March 2014

The Happiness Project: Week Nine

I love this Happiness Project series; when I first drafted this post I thought I wouldn't have much to talk about, but actually as I thought back on this week and everything that I've done I've realized that there have been loads of Happy Moments! Yay for lazy days off, sunshine and tea and cake.

Monday - Teaching myself Calligraphy. A little while back the boy and I visited an adorable stationers in bath and picked up some nibs and ink and I've been practicing my joined up writing ever since.

Tuesday - I really cannot recall what I did on Tuesday, but I assume it was lovely. Or work. Lets be honest, it was probably work..

Wednesday -  Reading in the garden. It was such a beautiful day, I rushed home from work at 3, pulled on my coziest jumper and ran out into the garden to make the most of the sunlight before it disappeared again. I can't believe its only March!

Thursday - Lunch with my favorite boy. We took a break from present hunting (who am I kidding, I think at that point we had only managed to buy things for ourselves..) and popped into the Adventure Cafe, a lovely little restaurant/bar at the top of town. Don't let the tired exterior or poor website deceive you (I almost did!), this place has a really nice atmosphere, and the food was great. I had a halloumi burger with mushrooms and salsa that I will definitely be attempting to recreate at home when I get a chance. Aren't days off the best.

Beautiful Bath in the sunshine on Thursday

Friday - I ordered a shiny new phone! it hasn't actually arrived yet, but I'm very excited for when it does! My fingers are crossed for tomorrow!!

Saturday - I got myself into such a kerfuffle on Saturday morning when I picked up my mammas car keys instead of the keys to my aunts parking space (doh!) meaning I had to park waaay out of town and walk suuuuper fast to work (it didn't help. I was still late.) After that rubbishy start to the day it was lovely to come home to champagne and nibbles with the extended fam to celebrate my beautiful mammas birthday. She has been selflessly looking after us all for the last 21 years, so it felt so great to celebrate her and everything she's done for us.

Sunday - My post work tea and cake. It was a beautiful, well deserved moment of peace. Happy Happy Happy.

What was your happiest moment this week?

Much Love,

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