I think the main part of their business is the bespoke letterpress designs and hand calligraphy, but they do also have one of the sweetest little stationers I've ever been in. I wish I would have thought to capture how adorable it is, but I didn't, so I guess you'll just have to take my word for it. Or pop over there yourself, and find out first hand!
I was so taken in by the adorable surroundings, and the beautiful hand calligraphy dotted around the shop that before I knew what was happening, I'd splashed the cash and bought myself a pen, two nibs and a bottle of ink. oh Jess. The saving for travelling is not going well.
Since then, I've bought another nib (because I left one on the floor, and someone -me- stood on it, opps!), and several bottles of ink.
I've practiced most evenings (It makes an evening in front of the telly feel so much more productive), and I think Im improving slowly..
I know I've talk here about my love of old fashioned snail mail; calligraphy is just easiest way to make a beautiful, thoughtful handmade card in minutes, for those days when you've forgotten a birthday or similar (not that that ever happens to me of course..)
Some things I've learned about calligraphy:
- Get proper calligraphy ink, I started off using a fountain pen ink, which I already had lying round at home. It was free, but it bled way worse than the calligraphy ink, and just generally was way more difficult to use.
- Don't leave your nibs on the floor. Someone will stand on one. And bend it. And hurt their feet.
- Don't dip your pen to deep into the ink, not only will you end up with ink all over your fingers, I also found that the ink got sucked up into the wooden handle, which expanded and cracked all the pretty baby blue paint. SadFace.
Much Love,
p.s since that first visit, I've been buying my calligraphy stuff from an art shop in town, its waaaaay cheaper, though definitely not so pretty - I'm so glad I discovered Meticulous Ink, I don't think I would have been inspired to try calligraphy without having been there.
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