Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Prior Park Gardens

It seems like having adventures with my favorite man on our days off is a tradition that is here to stay. Which makes me very very happy.

So I've been thinking about giving our escapades their own posts here, rather than squishing them into my happiness project posts. Partly so I can really do justice to the beautiful places we visit, and partly to make things easier for you guys. I find other bloggers stories of their adventures so inspiring: the list of places I wanna visit has grown enormously since reading all your stories about the place you've been and the things you've seen. I hope that one day people might be inspired by my experiences too.

On that note...

Last week I went with my mister to visit the Prior Park gardens. Neither of us had ever been, and a sunny Thursday morning seemed the perfect opportunity to explore.

Views over bath | Playing with my camera

The garden itself is only a short walk from the town center, which was great since we couldn't go anywhere out of walking distance, because we didn't have a car (and to be honest, parking is such a nightmare in town, and limited at the gardens, so it was probably for the best that we were walking). oh, and ya know, its like good for the environment and stuff.

Its a national trust property, so unless you're a member, you do have to pay to get in, and considering the number of monuments that are in a serious state of disrepair (though in the process of being restored), the entrance fees could be seen as a little steep. But on the flip side of that, I guess without the entrance fees the monuments may never be restored.

The gardens were beautiful, and we got some really lovely views over the town. And there's no excuse not to soak them all in; there are benches all over the gardens, strategically placed to make the best of the beautiful skyline. My favorite was in a little hollow near the top of the gardens,and engraved with the words of Alexander Pope, a poet and friend of Ralph Allen, the original owner of the gardens (and also the namesake of my secondary school).

'Consult the genius of the place' - Alexander Pope 

The gardens offer you glimpses through the trees of whats to come

Views towards the house | The Palladian Bridge 

The gardens were full of wild garlic. Apparently wild garlic fortnight started last weekend.. Check out the details on their twitter

And of course this being a national trust property, we couldn't not stop for some tea and cake in their lovely little outdoor cafe.

I obviously cant take credit for this one. Thanks go to my favorite boy for this picture.

The rest of the day was spent enjoying some delicious delicious GBK burgers, and some drinks in the sunny beer gardens of the cork and the brew house. Happy Happy Happy.

Much Love,

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