Sunday, 18 May 2014

The Happiness Project: Week Seventeen

Its been a scorcher in Somerset this week and I've been loving it!

Monday - I popped over to Bristol for a reunion with my University housemates. It's been a long time since I've seen either of them, so it was so nice to catch up and hear all their news! And in the afternoon I was introduced to Oliver Bonas, which I loved so much I had to introduce you guys too! (or maybe I'm behind the times, and you guys already know all about them). I'm not too fussed by their clothes, but their homeware section is awesome! Now I just need a house to put it all in..

Tuesday - After a pretty rubbishy day I discovered that Harry Potter was on tv, which immediately made everything better. As much as I regularly claim I'm middle aged, I'm still a complete child when it comes to Harry Potter. I was actually pretty devastated the other day by the realization that there will never again be another summer book launch. I'll never again have the experience of sitting in the sun devouring Harry's latest adventure for the first time. Siiiigh. Sorry. Sentimental moment over.

Wednesday - After a long day at work the boyfriend and I took a drive over to rainbow woods to potter about in the fields for an hour or so. It was such a lovely end to the day, and the sunset over bath was beautiful.

Thursday - Thursday was a beaut! The weather was amazing! So my man and I headed over to Chedder George for a walk about in the sunshine. I'll probably write more on that next week, so for now, here's a sneak peek of our adventures.

Firday - The first BBQ of the summer! I bought the drinks, and my favorite boy got to show off his barbecuing skills. Happy Happy Happy!

Saturday - Post work leaving drinks for my supervisor. So many people seem to be leaving at the moment, which is really sad. But spending an evening in the sunny beer garden of the bath brew house isn't a bad way to say goodbye!

Sunday - In my mission to make the most of this beautiful weather I popped to the nearest park in my lunch break. Even after I'd eaten, I had a few minutes spare to nap in the sunshine. Oh I've missed the feeling of the sun on my skin!

I hope you've all been enjoying some sunshine too! I know this guy has been! 

Much Love, 


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