Sunday, 11 May 2014

The Happiness Project: Week Sixteen

I've been working a lot this week, and spent several evenings babysitting, so photo ops were a little thin on the ground. SadFace. This is a stripped back happiness project. No fancy photography, just those little things this week that have made me smile.

Monday - Drinks with work. We had food at GBK (I at waaay too much halloumi) and the evening culminated in a intense game of Jenga at the Cosy Club. As ya do. It was fun to hang out with the boys outside of work.

Tuesday - Having been so busy with work and adventures, its been a long while since I've spent any time on the farm. Which makes me sad. But on Tuesday I managed to get out and hang out with some cows. It was sunny, and my heart was happy.

The chaos of farm life. I love this picture

Wednesday - Wednesday was really boring. I cant remember what I did, so I'm giving Wednesday's happy moment to Tuesday.

Tuesday take 2 - aaaaaall the admin jobs. I did some laundry, paid some bills, tidied my room. All very dull, but I felt so content to have finished it.

Thursday - I spent an evening babysitting and planning my new blog design. I feel like my blog has evolved since it began all that time ago, and I want my design to represent that.. This is definitely an ongoing process. The idea of trying to distill the essence of this (slightly random) blog into one visually appealing banner is a challenge!

Friday - Babysitting again. We read James and the Giant Peach, and the little girl said she liked my character voices. Literally don't think I've ever been more proud. I do a terrifying Aunt Sponge. Also, I got to hang out with these cuties.

Saturday - I popped down to visit my Grandma, and she told me the sweetest story about growing up on my great grandfathers farm; the friends she had, and the adventures they shared. It was like something out of a story I might have read as a kid. It was the sweetest moment. I'm going to make a conscious effort to have more of these moments.

Sunday - Curling up with a drink and a movie and my man. This week as been busy busy busy, and I am officially shattered. So it was awesome to just chill out and do nothing. The loveliest end to the week.

Much Love, 

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