Friday, 10 July 2015

DIY | Dressmaking

Earlier this month my little sister celebrated her 21st with a big party on the lawn.

The party was black tie, and since I hadn't been to a black tie event since school, I set about trying to find the perfect dress. But try as I might, I couldn't find anything I liked! 

Finally, inspired by this Instagram by The Londoner (yes, my celebrities are bloggers, I really am that sad), and a link to this dress, I thought I had found the one. 

Sadly, when the dress arrived, it was half a size too small, and way to revealing for a party that would be attended by all four of my grandparents, not to mention a whole host of aunts, uncles, and family friends!

So. I decided to make my own version.

I ordered up some bamboo silk from Ray Stitch, and set about making a pattern.

I can't really give any insturctions here, because as ever, I made it up as I went along.. 

And according to my mamma  -the real seamstress of the family- I did a terrible job. 

Apparently, I should have paid more attention to the weave of the fabric, (rather than just cutting wherever the pattern fitted within the two meters of fabric I ordered..), because that would have given it more strength, and made it hang better, and would have made hemming much easier...

To be fair. Hemming was a total faff. 

The hem aside, I was so so happy with the result! 

Sure, there are bits I would do differently if I was to do it again*, but for a first attempt, I was pretty chuffed with myself! 

The party was pretty great too ;)

Happy Birthday little one. :)
Much Love, 

*Buy a longer zip for one. The one I used was probably an inch shorter than it needed to be, so getting the dress over my head is a bit of a kerfuffle, but the one I used was already the second one I had bought for the project, and I just really couldn't be bothered to go back for a third.. 


  1. I love it Jess! And the pictures are so cute too xx

    1. Thanks Lauren!! (I can't take any credit for the pictures -obviously seeing as I'm in most of them- but you're right, the various people behind the various cameras did a great job!) :) x

  2. This is totally incredible! I'm no expert (not like your Ma, it sounds like!) but I think you're mega talented! ☺️

    1. Thanks Rosie! (I've just bought some fabric for a second -slightly different- dress, so hopefully I'll be able to improve on my first attempt!) :)
