Wednesday, 15 July 2015

DIY | Perfect Strangers

So a post or so ago, I mentioned that I had taken part in Oh Comely's perfect strangers present swap.

I didn't to write about my present at the time, in case my swap somehow stumbled across this blog, and it ruined the surprise, but now I know she has received it, I am ready to spill the beans.

Now, fair warning, my swap made the mistake of saying she loves glitter. So, keen for any excuse (glitter doesn't really feature on my everyday radar), I went a bit overboard...

I'm still finding glitter all over my desk..

I started with a few craft supplies which I picked up from my favorite craft haven; The Makery.

Since the price limit was a mere £10, and The Makery 'aint cheap, I decided to add to my collection with a few handmade bits and pieces to brighten up her room.

I began with a glittery initial.

Ordinarily, I would simply have popped online, and grabbed an initial from hobby craft or something. Not this time.

Under threat of going over my £10 budget, I decided to make my own initial from a piece of wood we had lying around in the cellar, and a coping saw (check out my saw knowledge - thanks google!).

Having roughly cut out my shape, I sanded it down - a lot! My sawing was a little on the wibbly side...

I then painted it, coated it in PVA, and poured over the best part of a tonne of glitter (the remains ended up all over my keyboard, which I'm fairly sure cant be good for it.. )

Once the glue had dried, I tapped off the excess, and voila, One glittery initial, completely free.

Obviously if I was going to make something like this again, I'd probably just buy the initial online, but as a budget saving solution, I think it worked really well. And I kinda like that its a bit on the wibbly side..

How would you cover your initial? With glitter? Floral Fabric? Old photos? Comic strips? Maps? The possibilities are endless..!

Much Love, 

1 comment:

  1. adore the diy

    check out my blog + follow too?

    Jess ♡
