I'm not sure how I feel about this particular blog series at the moment.. on the one hand, they always feel like kinda a chore to write, and I know they're not my most popular posts.. but I so love reading back through them and remembering all the stuff I got up to, and I love love that it makes me make more effort to take photos of things and moments that would otherwise be forgotten..
So for want of a better format (for the moment), here's a list, in no particular order, of my top seven moments from the last two weeks..
One - My dad and I decided to make the most of that random summer day we had two weeks ago, and had a lovely picnic for lunch. I was genuinely afraid that I might burn it was so hot!
Two - I've been trying to fix my mammas record player for a while, and was just waiting on one teeny, tiny little part, which finally arrived!! I've been blasting mumford and sons round the house ever since. :)

Four - bake off! My sister and I settled down with blankets, and the compulsory tray of tea and cake to watch the drama unfold. I couldn't have asked for a better mid-week respite.
Five - GBK with my lovely friend Alice from school. We ate delicious burgers and chips, and she caught me up on her life in London, and I was not at all jealous. not one little bit. honest.
Six - Birthday drinks for another of my old school friends. It was so nice to see everyone again, and I had a delicious -and super cheep- non-alcoholic mojito, and it was a really lovely evening.
Seven - A weekend off with Joe! Weekends off have been few and far between lately, so we made the most of it by doing pretty much nothing, and it was so so perfect.
Much Love,
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