Wednesday, 22 July 2015

DIY | Painted House no. 2

For my next adventure with the rollers, and as part of my Perfect Strangers present swap, I decided to print some fabric.

I went a bit off text here.. whilst the instructions from The Painted House (and the lovely ladies at The Makery) told me that to print on fabric I only needed to water down some basic wall emulsion, I decided to make something a little more permanent, and purchased two pots of fabric dye - in bronze, carrying on with the general gold/glittery theme.

From there, I went on exactly as I had last time; I taped my fabric to a board propped up on two paint pots, poured my paint onto a (different) board and loaded up my sponge roller.*

I used about a pot and a half of fabric paint to print approx. a meter of fabric, so I guess if I was doing a large amount of fabric, it would be more cost effective to go down the watered down emulsion route, but for my purposes, it was perfect.

After 24 hours or so of drying, I fixed the dye with an iron, as per the instructions on the pot, and set about creating my bunting.

Taking inspiration from this trick I spotted on Pintrest, I cut out my pendants, pinned them right sides together, tacked and machined the edges, turned them back the right way round, and ironed them flat.

Now here's were I took a diversion from my traditional method of bunting making.

Usually I would iron some tape in half, and trap the raw top edges of the pendant inside the fold, but as I forgot to go to the shop in my lunch break on Saturday I had no suitable tape, so had to make do with some very narrow gold ribbon.

In an attempt to hide the raw edges I stitched the pendants upside down to the top of the ribbon, before folding it over and sewing along the bottom of the ribbon, trapping the raw edges between the two rows of stitching.

I don't think I have explained that especially well..

I'm pretty happy with the results, even if I failed slightly to explain how I achieved them..

There are so many different ways to make bunting! Have you ever made any? How did you attach yours to the tape?

Much Love, 

*The Makery suggest using a flat board rather than a traditional roller tray, as this roller has two antenna-like prongs, which need a lot of space to maneuver.

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