Monday, 27 July 2015

The Happiness Project: Week Six

Fair warning: I pretty much spent the whole week obsessing about a camping trip that didn't even happen, so that features pretty heavily in this weeks happy moments..

Monday: In the first of only two non-camping related happy moments, I baked a carrot cake. Carrot cake was one of the first things I ever felt really confident baking, so I always feel happy when I make it. Also, it tastes awesome, so there's that too.. :)

Tuesday: I didn't start work till 11, so spent the morning nosing round some of my favorite shops (Rossiters, Bloomsbury) looking for some camping essentials.You know, important things like a cafetiere, and candles..

Wednesday: Having been on the very edge of purchasing a three meter bell tent, I got to visit a four meter tent, which confirmed that my colleagues had been right all along, and really, if I'm going to spend all that money, I need a four meter tent. And thus the bell tent fund was born. Contributions more than welcome ;)

Thursday: My Happiest moment on Thursday was the sight of my dad, arriving at the hippodrome mere moments before the start of Jesus Christ Super Star (he made it by the very skin of his teeth having received an urgent call about some escaped cattle just forty five minuets before curtain up..!)

Friday: After a week of panicking about the weather and trying to organise in every spare second (which were few and far between) we decided to cancel the camping trip, and just day-trip on the one nice day of the weekend. Having decided not to leave on the Friday night, I spent a lazy evening baking cookies, and headed over to Joes at 9 for still-warm-cookies and a movie. A much way better way to spend a rainy evening than in a tent in a field..

Saturday: Day-Trippin! The weather was beautiful, so we headed to Lulworth Cove, one of my favorite places in the UK. We made it there by half past ten, and settled down on the beach for a few hours to read and people watch. I tentatively paddled in the shallows, but the sea was freezing!!
We enjoyed a very civilized picnic before heading up the hill to catch a glimpse of Durdle Door.

 I bullied him till he let me take this photo.. 

 Windswept but happy 

At about half past three we figured we had probably exhausted all the things to do at The Cove, so headed out to Corfe Castle to have a nose about. 

Having finally extricated ourselves from the very pushy national trust lady, who desperately wanted us to sign up, we headed up the hill to explore the ruins, and enjoy the views over the surrounding countryside.

Those shorts were my mamma's jeans in the 90's!

During the drive home, we discovered that our favorite little pizza place -Yammo- do deliveries!!! We immediately ordered a couple of pizza's and some arancini for dinner, which we wolfed down before I could snap a picture!

After a long day by the sea, and with bellies full of pizza and cider we fell into bed at ten, and slept for a full eleven house. It was perfect.

Sunday: After the laziest of Sunday mornings, I headed for lunch at my Aunts, the company and food were both excellent, and I left feeling very content.

Roll on next week :)

I hope you've all had lovely weeks, and managed to avoid all that rain we had on Friday and Sunday!

Much Love, 

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