Tuesday, 4 August 2015

The Happiness Project: Week Seven

So I'm running a little late this week..

I'm off to Lisbon for a long weekend on Thursday, and have been suuper busy trying to get everything ready to head off. Isn't that always the way??


Monday: On Monday I spent a really nice evening enjoying a lovely dinner with my favorite with Aunt. 

Tuesday: Productive days off are the best aren't they! On Tuesday Dad and I dug mums old record player out of the cellar (Mamma's a hoarder for sure!), and spent an evening trying to resurrect it. Its missing a drive belt at the moment, but hopefully I'll be blasting out some Mumford and Sons at some point next week..

Wednesday: I spent some time in the sun picking some flowers for a blog post. I am so in love with the way that blogging gets me up and out and doing things I usually wouldn't!

Thursday: Pay Day! July has been looong! But the day came at last! I've got my eye on this top from Deliciously Ella, when it eventually comes back in stock..

Friday: I was in town a little early for work, so went for a quick browse in Jack Wills. Just to be curious you understand. I am over my obsession. Honest.

Anyways, I spotted this little dress in the sale, and decided it was too nice to miss (I wanted something new to wear in Lisbon next week!), so I picked it up at 10% off the sale price! Bargain!

Saturday: The boyf was hungover, so we got a pizza and ate chocolate pudding, and vegged in front of a movie and it was literally perfect.

Sunday: All of Sunday was happy! But probably my happiest moment was riding shot-gun with dad on the Combine Harvester.

I shared a snap from the evening on Instagram, but this is really my favorite picture.

As a picture its probably not great. The lighting is probably out. The focus is probably wrong. And I will never understand the rule of thirds. But I am so in love with it. I love how I have captured my dad in this shot. His hands have been cracked, and grubby for as long as I can remember.* Farmers hands. And I never ever want to forget that. I think you can tell a lot about a person from their hands, and dads tell me that he is hard working, and outdoorsey, and never afraid to get stuck in. And I think that's awesome.

He's also super sweet and kind and funny, despite what his grubby exterior might suggest..!

Bonus Happy Moment: We spent the week dog sitting this absolute cutie, who I ended up falling completely in love with. She made this week just that little bit more awesome than usual :)

Much Love, 

*its a constant joke on holidays that his hands juust get clean by the end of the week, just in time to go home..

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