Tuesday, 11 August 2015


I turned 23 last week.

Joe and I booked a couple of nights in Lisbon to celebrate and I epically epically messed up our flights. Like painfully, expensively fucked up.

And whilst this was frustrating, and stupid, and unavoidably my fault, it's taught me a valuable lesson.

I NEED to be more present.

So that's my aim for this coming year of my life; to focus on just one thing at a time. To give 100 percent of myself to everything I do, rather than just the bit of my brain that isn't thinking about other things. To get out of my head and enjoy the moment.

I need to stop mentally writing blog posts before the adventure is even over.

I need to designate time to blog, and time to work, and time to just be.

I need to enjoy the now.

Maybe I need to meditate..

Do you do anything to keep yourself present? Any tips very welcome!

Much Love.

p.s we did make it to Lisbon in the end (after not too much trouble), and It.Was.Awesome. But more on that later in the week I think. :)

1 comment:

  1. I had a similar thing when go to Poland a few weeks ago with the fella, Ryanair screwed us over really but was still a miserable first day of the holiday! And totally get what you mean about meditating, think I'm going to start yoga for this reason! x

    Pippa | ballpointsandbiscuits.blogspot.co.uk
