Sunday, 16 August 2015

The Happiness Project: Weeks Eight and Nine

Wowsers! How are we on week nine already!

Anyways, these last two weeks have been a total blast. I've gotten older (but probably not wiser..), had a little holiday, been reunited with both my sisters, and eaten lots of cake in celebration of my baby sister getting into uni!

In fact, I was so busy having fun, I totally forget to write a happiness project last week..

So here's my favorite seven moments from the last two weeks.

One : Birffdays! Who doesn't love a Birthday! I got to eat all my favorite food, see most of my favorite people and got lots of lovely presents, I was happy happy happy! :)

Two : Lisbon! We ate lots of delicious sea food, drank too much wine, and just generally basked in the sun, and it was the best!

Three : Being reunited with my lovely, but disgustingly tanned, middlest sister. She's been traveling round Italy for a month with the boyf, and I missed her face!

Four : Long post-breakfast chats with the aforementioned disgustingly tanned sister. 

Five : Celebrating A-level results day with my littlest sister. She's a brainy little one, and we're very proud of her! (And not at all annoyed that she got better grades than me, honest.)

I don't suppose I can call her my baby sister if she's old enough for Uni..

Six : Determined to save money after my flight kerfuffle, but keen for a new top to wear to London next week, I decided to make one.* I downloaded a pattern from Grainline, and I'm super excited to have a new project to get my teeth into!

Seven : After all that busyness, I hardly saw Joe all week, so it was super nice to head back to his after work on Saturday and just chill with a curry. Though I'm not sure this can fully be counted as a happy moment, as we watched Grave of the Fireflies, which is the most heartbreaking film about a young boy forced to take care of his little sister in the aftermath of the bombing of Kobe.  I'm still not over it..

Much Love, 

*though I dont think I'll have it finished by then..

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