Tuesday, 18 August 2015

PHOTO DIARY | Bangkok, 2014

In light of the recent bombing, I just wanted to share with you a few of my favorite shots from my time in Bangkok last year.

The first time we landed in the city, it was big, and busy, and smelly and just a little bit overwhelming. But by the time we returned, with two months travelling under our belts, we fell in love with the place.

Everyone we met was so lovely, getting about was so easy, and there was a Seven11 on every corner (Asia's answer to Tesco metro). After Laos and Cambodia it felt like London! Sort of..

I loved the clash of old and new. We traveled a lot on the sky train (cheaper over long distances, and waaay less terrifying, than a tuk tuk), and it was so bizarre to see Chedi's and Wats squeezed between towering sky scrapers. Gold and green jewels glinting between enormous grey giants.

We would spend our days exploring beautiful, vibrant temples, or the market at the MBK center (an all-year-round, indoor-maze of 'shops' and stalls, where everything is fake, and everyone haggles), and then jump on the shiny new sky train, and travel home via the glamorous malls at Siam (the fanciest shops I have ever seen; Louis Vuitton, Cartier, or Dior anyone?)

One of the biggest fears of the Thai people at the moment is the impact that this will have on their tourist industry (a major part of the countries economy).

But I urge you not to let this tragedy colour your perceptions of this lovely country.

Obviously travel with caution, and listen to official advice (the govt. is not currently advising that Brits should avoid Thailand), but please, if you get a chance to visit Thailand, take it! Grab it with both hands and jump for joy!* Please don't let this one terrible event put you off. You'll only be missing out if you do!

Much Love,

*Its what I'd do ;)


  1. I've also been to Bangkok and I absolutely loved it. I agree, it is such an overwhelming city.. so big and noisy but everyone is so kind, courteous and friendly! The food is amazing too. I also write a little post on my blog about Bangkok :)

    My thoughts are with all the Thai people .. So, so sad to hear about the bombing!

    Paula | Lifestyle & Laffs

  2. Thanks for reading Paula! :)
    Oh my! Your post gave me such bad wanderlust! I just wanna go back and see/eat it all again!
