Monday, 24 August 2015

The Happiness Project: Week Ten

What a week it has been!

I took four days off to spend some time with my sister and our friend Flo before they head back to their respective Uni's, and have made the most of every moment I haven't spent at work!

Monday -  New blog love. That feeling when you find a new blog, and have hundreds of back-posts to binge read.  

Tuesday - I got that friday feelin'! After an eight day stint at work, and a shift that finished at 8pm, I was super happy to to head back to Joes for a brief hour. We literally did nothing, and it was perfect.

Wednesday - The heavens opened, so I spent a very happy afternoon in my attic with the radio on, in my favorite cashmere jumper, listening to the rain pitter patter against the roof. I was feeling very content and autumnal, till I remembered it was AUGUST!

Thursday - London with my favorite ladies. After hundreds of wattsapps across three different time-zones, our girls-holiday-turned-camping-trip eventually morphed into a day out in London.

We caught the train up early, and saw the Carsten Holler Exhibition on the southbank, drank copious amounts of coffee, pottered round Liberty's, and finished the day at Byron Burger.

It was excellent.

Friday -  After a leisurely morning at Flo's, and some delicious breakfast (yogurt granola topped with perfectly ripe nectarines, served in tiny glasses anyone?), we headed home for a lazy day of photo editing -I took waaay to many snaps in London- before heading to Joe's for the evening. Perfect.

Saturday - Saturday was exactly how Saturdays should be.

We enjoyed a late brunch, did a spot of shopping, and poped to Waitrose for some grocery's before heading to The Thief (a recent discovery of Joes), for a pint and a pizza.

We then headed back to mine to create Jamie's M'hanncha, which we took to Flo's for dinner.

Flo cooked up an absolute storm! A spicy, salty halloumi starter, a delicious chicken cous-cous dish, followed by our desert (recipe here), and a picture perfect cheese board.

The company was excellent, the wine was flowing and we left feeling full and content. And sleepy. Very very sleepy.

Sunday - After a very late night, Joe and I had a lovely lazy morning eating pastries in front of the telly before I had to head off in the rain to work :(

Much Love, 

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